GIVE UP Dealers Choice Monday Rides


oh dang it's june again, here's the june 10 

What: GIVE UP Dealer's Choice Mondays

When: june 10

Time: Show up at 6:20, ride at 6:30

Distance / Elevation: about 18 miles / 650 feet of elevation

Strava link / Route:


Next week's Wednesday is a mixup which is going to be a bit climby. I'm a bit banged up because I forgot the first rule of bicycling today: Rubber side down. Everything on me hurts. We have so many rides coming up over the next week. I figured we'd have an easy Dealer's Choice ride.

We're going to meet up at Trace at 6:20. I'll probably be there a little bit early to make sure their beer is still good. You can never be too sure. We'll roll at 6:30 and take an easy spin around the city. It's going to be super laid back. We'll hit a loop at Friendship Park along the way so I can maintain my street cred with the youths. We will try to avoid any potholes on Friendship Ave.

As far as spiciness goes, I'm going to call this a straight 3.5 out of 10: There is a hill at the end which I think warrants 3 peppers on the spiciness scale, and we'll touch some roads that might bring it up to a 4. This is going to be one of the easier Monday rides we do that doesn't end at Ice cream, though.

Conveniently enough, this ride will end at Trace. Maybe when we get back we can all sit around talking about hot dogs.

You should bring lights to this ride. I am living proof you should bring a helmet to this ride. You should bring water and snacks, too. It's June, so you should be decked out in more pride flags than usual. Definitely bring an unusual number of pride flags.

Questions or comments? text me: 412.616.4937.


What: GIVE UP Dealer's Choice Mondays

When: 2nd, 4th, and potentially 5th mondays of the month? (1st and 3rd mondays are other rides)

Time: Show up at 6:20, ride at 6:30

Distance: 15-20 miles, approximately.

Starting Point / Route: Will change every week.  Dealer's choice.  Sometimes the routes will be hilly, sometimes they'll be flat, sometimes they'll be somewhere in between.  Routes will be posted about a week before the ride.

Pace: None of the GIVE UP rides are particularly fast, but we'll set pace / level with the routes each week.

Bring: Water, snacks, helmet, lights, sense of adventure

Description: This ride is going to be the least consistent of all of the GIVE UP regular group rides.  Sometimes they might be easy, sometimes they might be hard.  Really up to how we're feeling when we plan it.  We'll rotate start points to keep things fresh and try not to repeat routes too often.

Bring plenty of water and maybe some snacks.  Helmet highly suggested because we'll be on roads.

Feel free to invite people who can bike

We probably will not do this ride if it is raining at 6pm on any given Monday

questions: bingosherlock at g

or text me: four one two six one six 4937